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Celebration of Learning/Rewards

At Beech Hyde we love to celebrate our pupils' achievements, both academic and personal. We honour both attainment and progress, whatever the goal or starting point. We champion progress, not perfection!

Pupils are rewarded and congratulated in the following ways;

 - Daily praise and encouragement from their teachers, TAs, EYPs and Headteacher

- Work of the Week awarded to one child in each class who has made progress or produced some excellent work that week

 - Stickers/ postcards

 - Positive comments on pupils' work

 - Weekly sharing assemblies

 - House points - Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum Certificates

- Weekly House winner Cup

- Weekly presentation of the Davey Cup for Maths

- Weekly presentation of the English STAR award for English

- Half-Termly presentation of the Pearce Cup for French

- Weekly Attendance Bear (EYFS/KS1 and KS2)

- Termly presentation of the Hazelton Cup for Triumph over Adversity

 - Role Model of the week