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The governors at Beech Hyde Primary School and Nursery, are focused on providing confident, strategic leadership for the school and creating robust accountability, oversight and assurance of its educational and financial performance.

Bringing diverse business, community and educational experience to the school, they meet at least six times a year as a full governing board.

In addition to regular meetings, governors also take an active interest in the school and its activities, each making at least one visit to the school each term. The visits are focused on a particular theme linked to the School Development Plan or are conducted in their governor capacity, such as safeguarding or health & safety.

Governors are appointed for four year terms of office by the school staff, parents, the Trust or by fellow governors as representatives of the local community.

You can find out more about each of the governors below. 

Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions about the Beech Hyde Primary School and Nursery governing body. 

Our current governors

We currently have 3 co-opted governors, 3 Trust appointed, 1 elected staff governor and 2 elected parent governors.

The chair of our local governing board is Sarah Medlock.  She can be contacted by email or post (Beech Hyde Primary School, Nurseries Road, Wheathamsptead, Herts, AL4 8TP).

Beech Hyde is part of Ambition Education Trust.  Information about the governance of the Trust, including financial reports, can be found here


Posts held: Co-CEO Ambition Education Trust

A bit about Margaret

I began my teaching career in 1988 in north London, becoming Head of Geography and leading assessment in two schools, introducing a range of measures to track student performance and raise standards, prior to my appointment as Deputy Head of The Priory School in Hitchin. 

We introduced the raising boys’ achievement programme and having successfully written Specialism bids in 2003, the school profile and outcomes gained considerable strength, culminating in an Ofsted Good Rating. During this time I began school improvement work with the London Challenge and within the Local Authority which I continue to do today.

I became Headteacher at St Albans Girls’ School in 2010 and following an Outstanding judgement in January 2013, I led the team to further raise standards and challenge underperformance.  Appointed as a National Leader in Education and National Pupil Premium Assessor, myself and my team have supported a number of schools to raise standards. I am Governor at a Local PRU Academy as well as being a Board Member of the local Teaching School’s Alliance and Education Advisor with the DFE. In 2018 I become Executive Headteacher of ATLAS MAT, and am now Co-CEO of the Ambition Education Trust.


Posts held: Headteacher

A bit about Karen

I began my teaching career in 1998 in north London, first as a History teacher, becoming Head of Year and subject lead in my first few years. I was appointed Assistant Head in 2007 and have been involved in pastoral leadership ever since. I developed whole school strategies to ensure that good pastoral care allowed all students to access a high-quality education. I moved to St Albans in 2009, taking up the post of Assistant Head at St Albans Girls' School in 2014. I became Deputy Head - pastoral and safeguarding lead - in 2017. In September 2022, I was seconded to Beech Hyde as Acting Headteacher, and loved it. I was appointed as permanent Headteacher in December 2022. It is my firm belief that following its 'GOOD' Ofsted judgement in 2022, Beech Hyde has a very strong platform for future growth and success.


Posts held: Chair of Governors, Safeguarding governor
Category: Co-opted governor. Appointed by the governing body. Appointed: 6th November 2020. Term ends: 5th November 2024.

A bit about Sarah

I have 2 children who both attended Beech Hyde and have now moved on to secondary school in Harpenden. I started out as a parent governor at Beech Hyde and at the end of my 4-year term I moved over to become a co-opted governor.  I believe passionately in the school's ethos. I want to help drive the school forward and ensure it provides the best all round education for our children, whilst maintaining that wonderful Beech Hyde feeling of inclusion, teamwork and respect.

I graduated with BA Hons in Business Studies and have worked in various marketing and PR roles over the years. I currently work for TIME Magazines as Head of Customer Retention. 


Posts held: Trust appointed governor. SEND governor.
Category: Appointed by the Trust Board. Appointed: 7th January 2024. Term ends: 7th January 2028.

 A bit about Hannah

I am Head of Art, Design Technology at St Albans Girls' School, where I have taught since 2008. I am passionate about education and about every child's right to be able to access their education. As a teacher at the ATLAS trust lead school, I have watched Beech Hyde's progress over the years and was delighted to see it achieve a GOOD Ofsted. I love being able to give back to the community as governor at Beech Hyde.

I am a considered, reflective person who is willing to listen, question and challenge so the school can progress and reach its full potential.

In my spare time I like to go camping, read and spend time with my dogs.


Posts held: Co-opted governor, Health & Safety governor
Category: Co-opted governor. Appointed by the governing body 9th September 2021. Term ends: 8th September 2025.

 A bit about Pauline

After University, I spent four years working for the Metropolitan Police in London with victims of serious assaults. I began teaching in 1994 in Hong Kong where I spent three great years. Following my return to the UK, I taught in a number of schools in St Albans, Luton and Dunstable.

Six years ago, I began working part time at Beech Hyde and thoroughly enjoyed being a part of this wonderful school during the time I worked there.

I live in Harpenden with my husband and I have two teenage daughters. I am Secretary of Hatfield Netball Club and I spend a lot of my free time umpiring netball matches and mentoring Junior umpires. I enjoy reading, travelling and am a massive fan of Liverpool FC.


Posts held: Parent governor
Category: Parent governor. Appointed by the parent body 6th July 2021. Term ends: 5th July 2025.

 A bit about Natasha

I have two children, my oldest attend Beech Hyde and is now at secondary school, and my youngest is in Year 6. Hence, I have a particular interest in ensuring the school maintains its excellent reputation. I am very proud to belong to the school community, with its emphasis on encouraging kind, caring and well-rounded children.

I am a part-time nurse based in the community and in my free time volunteer for a charity supporting families. I sit on the committee for WASPS, a not-for-profit club providing 'wraparound' childcare to school-children in Wheathampstead, and I also manage a local children's rugby team. I enjoy running and spending time with family and friends and am passionate about encouraging children to be active. 


Posts held: Staff governor
Category: Staff governor. Appointed by the staff body 6th July 2021.  Term ends: 5th July 2025.

A bit about Charlotte

I am proud to have been a teacher at Beech Hyde since September 2004. During this time I have taught many different year groups and have been subject leader for a variety of subjects as well as taking on a range of other roles within the school. I have worked on the senior leadership team since 2018, and was appointed as Assistant Head in 2023. In my spare time I enjoy watching sport and spending time with my family and friends.  Beech Hyde is a very special place with fantastic children, and I am pleased to be part of the governing body for our school.


Posts held: Co-opted Governor
Category:  Co-opted governor. Appointed by the academy members 23rd September 2021. Term ends: 23rd September 2025.

 A bit about Mike

I am an Accountant by profession and am qualified as a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (FCMA). I have been a Wheathampstead resident for over 33 years.

The whole of my career has been spent in Financial Services. I held senior management positions in TSB and with Legal and General. I ran my own management consultancy for 6 years, contracting with Canada Life, Prudential, Barclays and CSC. I specialised in Finance Systems, Corporate Governance and Third-Party Insurance Administration (TPA).

After a spell in TPA with Liberata, I led a project to interface the TPA accounting systems between Admin re (now ReAssure) and Aviva. Latterly, I administered the Equity Release Property Portfolio again for Admin re which centred on Investor Relations and property disposal.

Since retiring in 2013, I wanted to use the skills and knowledge that I had acquired over 40 years in business by volunteering with local charities. I served as Trustee Finance Director of de Havilland Aircraft Museum (a registered charity) and then moved on to be Treasurer and Trustee of the Wheathampstead Community Group (WCG). In the past I have held several other voluntary/charitable roles including being a Director of the Milton Keynes Business Venture. I am a member of the Harpenden Village Rotary Club and its charitable arm, Rotary in Harpenden.

As Treasurer of WCG, I have built up a network of contacts within other local organisations such as: Local Government, Communities First, Harpenden Trust and the James Marshall Foundation as well as local schools.

I strive to add value to the organisations that I am part of and particularly to the local community. I hope I can indeed contribute and add value as a Governor of Beech Hyde Primary School and Nursery.


Posts held: Trust appointed governor
Category:  Appointed by the Trust Board. Appointed: 7th January 2024. Term ends: 7th January 2028

 A bit about Johanna

After a brief career in scientific research, I retrained as a teacher in 2006, and I have never looked back! I am currently Head of Science and Biology at St Albans School, where I have worked for the last 7 years. Prior to working at St Albans, I worked as a science teacher at Verulam School and at Henley-in-Arden School in Warwickshire.

I am excited to be part of the governing body at Beech Hyde, and I am looking forward to getting involved as the Science link governor.

I live in Kimpton with my husband, who is a research scientist, and my two daughters, who attend Katherine Warrington School.



Posts held: Parent Governor
Category:  Parent Governor: Appointed by the parent body 24th March 2022. Term ends 24th March 2026.

 A bit about Stuart

I live in Wheathampstead and have 3 children, two boys and a girl, all who attend Beech Hyde.

I have worked in financial services for a variety of insurers and currently work as Head of Pricing in business lending. I have significant experience in data analysis, people management, financial analysis and I enjoy serving others and working as part of a team. I graduated with a BSc in Mathematics and have also qualified as a Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries.

In my spare time I am a member of a local church, lead a local youth group and help coach the village junior football team. I put myself forward as a Governor because I want to support the school in being as effective as possible in educating local children.


Posts held: Trust appointed governor
Category:  Appointed by the Trust Board. Appointed: December 2024. Term ends: December 2028. 

 A bit about Ruth

As a recently retired teacher of almost 30 years, I thought it would be an excellent use of my newly acquired spare time to offer my service as a Governor at Beech Hyde School.  My career started in Dundee where I worked with an outreach team from Dundee Rep Theatre. The team worked in the areas of deprivation in the city. I found this work incredibly challenging but rewarding. I saw there the value of arts and cultural education, something I know that Beech Hyde is really keen to develop. 

I am at my core a PE teacher and understand how important physical activity and sport is to the development of young people. During my time at STAGS, I was privileged to be involved with a 4 year research project called 'Healthy Minds”. This was in the capacity of being Curriculum Leader PSHCE. I am a recognised 'Healthy Minds' teacher. However, dance is my passion. Dance has been the thread through my life starting to dance myself aged 3 and still dancing now. Dance education is an amazing tool to unlock social, physical and mental connections.

What is a governing body?

The governing body of a school acts collectively. The governors have a number of legal responsibilities in respect of the school, in particular:

  • the school is continuously working to improve standards
  • children's care and welfare is safeguarded
  • curriculum policy is set, monitored and reviewed in line with statutory requirements
  • the school meets it obligations under relevant equality legislation
  • the school's financial budget is set and monitored
  • the fabric of the school is maintained
  • staff performance is managed according to Government guidelines 


Full Local Governing Body meetings are held throughout the year. Meetings are usually held in the evenings. Governors are also welcome into school during the day.


There is a varied training programme available to all governors. Governors aim to attend at least one course per year. 

How to contact the governors

The school governors are always open to contact from staff, carers and parents. Your first port of call should always be the headteacher, but if you feel that you need to raise any concerns or give suggestions to the governing body then please use the email below.

Are you interested in becoming a governor?

Vacancies: There are currently no governor vacancies at Beech Hyde School

Governors need no previous experience but they do need commitment, enthusiasm and an interest in the School and in the education of children. We particularly welcome applicants from ethnic minorities so we are fully represented on the governing body. This is your chance to set the vision for the school, for both the present and future generations. 

If you would like to find out more click on the link below:

Or you can contact the Chair of Governors directly via email:

You may wish to come along for an informal chat and also observe one of the Governor meetings so you can get a feel for what is involved. Please get in touch if you are interested, you will be most welcome.