Reception have been busy making different patterns. The children went off into their independent play with the challenge to make their own AB pattern.
Our children in Reception love reading. They work in small groups to complete reading practice sessions. The children carefully decode the words so they can read with understanding.
Reception enjoyed making their Christmas decorations and adding them to the school Christmas Tree.
At the end of term, Reception performed ‘A Week To Christmas’ with Nursery and did such an excellent job.
Autumn 1 2024
Reception have made a great start to the year!
We have had a busy half term making, reading, painting, counting and creating.
In maths, we have been learning how to count carefully using our counting wands. The children knew that they should line up the toys, point at each item carefully and that the last number is the total.
In Reception, we have been making patterns. They have either been ABAB patterns or ABCABC pattern. We have to focus really hard to repeat the pattern.
During 'Super Week', we designed our own superhero masks.
Reception took part in Careers Day and met many adults and asked them questions about their jobs. We then thought about what we might want to do for a career.
Reception took to their scooters and rode around the playground with the rest of the school – it was a hit with my class!
We regularly take part in Cosmic Kids yoga – this one was about the film 'Encanto'. The children have to try all sorts of tricky yoga moves.
In PE, we have been developing our ball skills. In the last lesson, we were trying to throw the ball into a netball net. We had to bend our needs and launch the ball in the net direction.
As part of science week, we explored how the earth had changed. We talked about how there used to be dinosaurs, but they are now extinct. We talked about the different theories about what happened to the dinosaurs. As a class, we looked at images of the earth now and images of the earth then and talked about similarities and differences. As part of our linked activities, we measured dinosaurs using unifix bricks and recorded our findings.
On 13th February, Reception's classroom became an island. We climbed aboard a boat to get to our island and waved goodbye to our parents. Everyone had a rucksack full of things they had brought for a trip to an island. We had binoculars, fishing rods, sun hats, sunscreen and much, much more. Then we sailed across the ocean in our hoop boats looking out for creatures in the deep and other boats nearby. Year 6 delivered our lunch and we all sat together enjoying our picnic. In the afternoon, we wrote postcards home and had a sleep in cosy tents around our campfire.
During storytelling week, we used books to explore mathematical ideas. We used a book called 'How Many Legs?'. On each page the book asked how many more legs there would be if a new animal arrived. We made a tally of the legs and then we worked out the total. Everyone enjoyed exploring big maths together.
We read every week as part of Little Wandle -it is called a reading practice session. During the session, we decode words, practice sounds and learn about the story we are reading. We blend the sounds to be able to read our books fluently and with emotion. What fantastic readers!
The children in Reception have been busy making and describing repeating patterns.
Reception have been working hard on their writing and they enjoy using their writing area!
Reception loved meeting our guinea pigs for the first time!
The children in Reception enjoyed preparing for Christmas and made some excellent cards.
In maths, we have been practising counting using one to one correspondence.
Linking to our work in maths, we made bridges to take a heavy weight and a light weight.
In Reception, we particularly love painting and reading!