Safeguarding is intrinsic to everything we do at Beech Hyde School. It is of paramount importance that all our pupils are safe, well cared for, happy learners.
Safeguarding includes our commitment to safer recruitment of staff, security around the building, child protection, anti-bullying, Online safety, PREVENT duty and many other areas. We make sure all policies under the safeguarding umbrella are reviewed regularly. We make sure all pupils are safe by;
- ensuring all staff are fully trained in being vigilant to signs that a student is experiencing difficulties in or outside of the school environment. All senior staff are trained at level 2 safeguarding to ensure that there is always someone on site able to deal with child protection issues
- ensuring all children know that there are staff they can turn to if they need help or support with a safeguarding matter
- ensuring that the curriculum gives pupils information, opportunities to explore and learn about all aspects of welfare and safety, both inside and outside the classroom
- ensuring the security of our site is reviewed regularly and discussed with pupils and parents
- ensuring all staff have access to and have read the DfE guidance 'Keeping Children Safe in Education' - attached below. If you would like this document in another language, please go to the following website
The Designated Safeguarding Lead at Beech Hyde Primary School and Nursery is;
- Ms K Thomas (Headteacher) -
The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are;
- Mrs J Field (Assistant Head)
- Miss C Rogers (Assistant Head)
- Mrs J Shore (SENCO)
The designated governor with responsibility for Safeguarding is Sarah Medlock (Chair).
The designated teacher for Children with a Social Worker, Children Looked After and Previously Looked After is Ms K Thomas (Headteacher) -
The designated governor with responsibility for Children with a Social Worker, Children Looked After and Previously Looked After is Sarah Medlock (Chair).
If you have any concerns about your own child or any other child, please do not hesitate to contact us at school. If you have concerns about a child that does not attend Beech Hyde and would prefer to speak to Children's Services personally, please call 0300 1234 043 or the police on 101. Please note that information of a safeguarding nature may not be able to be kept confidential.