Year Four
In maths, we were working on converting between measurements. We used place value sliders to support our learning, and quickly became experts in multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.
Our topic in science was Animals Including Humans. We learnt all about the digestive system, our teeth and food chains. We conducted an experiment where we used eggs, with their shells representing our teeth, and put them into different liquids to see what would happen. We learnt that vinegar affected the egg shell the most, followed by fizzy drinks!
We have been working hard in DT creating money purses! We first designed our purse, thinking about who we wanted to create it for. We then moved onto cutting out the felt and eventually sewing. We were all resilient tortoises when it came to sewing, and all did a fantastic job!
This term we also had our class assembly. We spoke all about our local area, and showed what we had learnt in history and geography.
We have had a great start to the Autumn Term in Year 4! In English, we read Robin Hood and wrote our own Robin Hood story. We also created wanted posters from the perspective of the Sheriff of Nottingham trying to find Robin Hood!
In art, we have been focusing on weaving. We spent time learning about the history of weaving and where it is used. Then, we moved on to creating a simple loom and practising a simple weave. We weaved with a range of different materials, such as paper and material. Also, we completed a nature weave, weaving with items such as leaves and twigs we found outside!
We have been focusing on Hinduism in RE. We have learnt about their different gods and goddesses, where Hindus pray and which symbols are significant to them. We created our own Rangoli patterns, using different materials, drawing them and then creating them outside with chalk! We also learnt about Diwali, and created our own Diya lamps and lanterns.
We have been learning all about our local area in geography! We compared different maps of Wheathampstead, looking at their features and how where we live has changed. We also learnt about the opening of Beech Hyde School, and wrote newspaper articles to celebrate its opening!
In PSHE, we created Team Bee posters. We worked in partners to create these, and thought about the importance of team work. We also created our network hands, thinking of 5 people we could go to if we had a problem.
In maths, we have been working hard on plotting and writing coordinates. We have also spent time revising concepts such as fractions, short multiplication and long division to ensure we are ready for year 5!
In science, we have been looking at sound. We looked at the ways sound travels, and how we are able to hear sound. We made string phones, using different length string to test what happened to the volume of sound when the length of string is decreased. We enjoyed trying out the string phones with our friends.
We have really enjoyed our history topic this term, Roman Britain. We have been learning about the different ways the Romans changed Britain, including the houses and roads they built. Additionally, we also went on a fantastic trip to Verulamium! We saw original Roman mosaics and walls, and were lucky enough to have a workshop all about Roman artefacts. We enjoyed walking around the museum, learning lots of new things about Roman life. Lunch time and playing in the park were also very exciting!

In DT, we have been thinking all about healthy snacks! We designed our own healthy snacks which fit the brief we were given, such as athlete. We had to think carefully about the ingredients we were choosing, and why they were suitable for the specific group we were given. We then designed thepackaging for our snack, thinking about making it eye catching and vibrant!
This term we were lucky enough to have St Albans School come in and teach us Joseph the musical! We loved being able to perform it to our parents, and the rest of the school. We were also able to link it to our RE learning, thinking about the story of Joseph and the messages behind it.
We have had a great start to the summer term in Year 4!
In English, we have been reading 'Escape from Pompeii'. We have been focusing on using figurative language to write about Pompeii and the explosion of Mount Vesuvius. We worked hard writing eye-witness accounts of the eruption, and have really enjoyed learning about the history of Pompeii! We are currently writing holiday brochures, encouraging people to visit Italy.
In maths, we have been learning a variety of different mathematical concepts. We enjoyed learning about Roman numerals, and this linked with our history topic too! We learnt about negative numbers, and how to solve worded problems involving them. We worked hard to answer time duration questions, and wrote our own.
In art, we have been creating our own puppet theatres. We used shoe boxes as the structure, and put our own designs onto them. For the theatres we used a range of different materials, paints and pens! We really enjoyed seeing our designs come to life!
We have been learning all about Florida in geography. We learnt about the Magic Kingdom and why it is so popular. In pairs, we planned our own route around Disneyland, making sure we had visited attractions, shops, restaurants and the toilets! Additionally, we learnt why Florida is a peninsula and looked at different countries around the world which are peninsulas also.
This half term in science we have been focusing on electricity. We have been looking at how to create simple circuits, and understanding what each component of the circuit does. One of our lessons involved looking at the difference between batteries and mains and understanding how everyday electrical items we use are powered. Also, we carried out an experiment testing different materials and items to see which are conductors and which are insulators. We enjoyed finding different items in the classroom to test, some of us even tested our coats and bags!
We have enjoyed trying out different challenges during the daily mile. We have tried balancing bean bags on our heads and walking around keeping up a ping pong ball with a bat!
We have been very lucky to have the Music Department and Sixth Form students from St Albans School work with us on a musical theatre production! We are excited to continue this next half term too.
We have had a fantastic Spring Term in Year 4!
In English, we read a new book called The Lost Thing. We used the story to create different pieces of writing which allowed us to write our own story based on the book. We really enjoyed creating our story maps based around the story, and using our own ideas in our stories.

We have been focusing on fractions this term in maths. We have been working on adding and subtracting fractions and finding fractions of amounts!
Our focus this half term in science has been time, linked to British Science Week, specifically linking to our topic about solids, liquids and gases. We conducted an experiment with ice and salt to see whether normal water or salt water would melt ice quicker. We timed how long it took for the ice to melt in each bowl, and concluded the ice melted quicker in salt water. We wrote up our experiment and even came up with our own de-icer product based on our findings! Also, we loved dressing up for British Science Week!
Our history topic for this term has been the Romans. We have learnt about how Rome was founded, how Rome was ruled, what Britain was like before the Romans and the Roman army! We spent time looking at Roman shields, and designed our own! We are excited to continue to learn more about the Romans in the summer term.
In RE, we have been learning about the Easter Story. We went through each different parts of the story and created our own Easter story spinners for each event.
We have had a busy half term in year 4! In English, we have been looking at a science fiction story, Jazz Harper Space Explorer. We spent time creating newspaper articles based around Jazz’s trip to Mars.
We also designed our own aliens, labelled their features and imagined they’d be visiting Beech Hyde! We used these aliens to help us write explanation texts based around a guide to a first day at school. In our explanation text, we focused on using time conjunctions in our writing.
In science, we have been looking at states of matter. We learnt about solids, liquids and gases; we even went onto the playground to see how they would move around! During our lessons we conducted different experiments to learn more about changing states.
During our maths lessons, we have been working hard learning about decimals. We first learnt how to partition decimals into tens, ones, tenths and hundredths. We have recently moved onto column addition and subtraction using decimals. We are also working really hard on our times tables in Year 4! We are really enjoying using Times Table Rockstars and Hit the Button in class. We spent number day playing games practising our times table knowledge.
In PE, we have been focusing on bridging, using the equipment. In our outdoor PE lessons, we have been learning how to play tag rugby and are really enjoying it.
During PSHE, we have been looking at dreams and goals. At the beginning of the term we created our own dream catchers. On the back of them we wrote what our individual dreams and goals were and coloured in the front!

In maths, we have been working hard on learning how to multiply and divide by 10 and 100 and use this to help us convert between different units. We have been using our place value sliders to help us, and are now able to complete the questions independently!
In DT, we made our own money purses! We first looked at different money purses and their features and used this to help us design our own. We then drew out our designs and templates which we attached to material to cut out. Then, we worked hard sewing our purses together using different stiches we had learnt. Finally, we evaluated them. We are all really proud of our purses!
During our French lessons, we have learning the French version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears! We have learnt key words and phrases which make up the story, and created our own flashcards with pictures and the English translation. We finally created our own story board to help us remember the story.
For anti-bullying week we each made a kindness flower. As a class and individually we thought about what kindness means and how we can all show kindness. We drew on each petal of the flower to represent all the different ways we can be kind to each other.
In Year 4 we have had a great start to the Autumn term!
In English, we have been reading Robin Hood. We have done lots of work around the setting and characters to help us write our own story!
In maths, we have been working hard on learning our times tables. We have made our own flashcards to help us and have used them to test our partners. Also, we have been listening to different times tables songs to help us remember them.

In RE we have been learning about Hinduism. In one of our lessons we created our own rangoli patterns. We used tissue paper, chalk, oil pastels and colouring pencils to create a range of different designs. We even drew some on the ground outside of the classroom!